Saturday, April 14, 2012


Kerry Gibson: Ragdoll
Kerry Gibson, for starters, is a very lucky ragdoll. Her creator managed to match every bit of her body, so from afar she seems like a regular human. Kerry appears to be about 16-17, but is truly 347 years old. She is very sweet, shy, and independent. She does enjoy talking with her friends, if she manages to step out of her shell and make any. Kerry is very clumsy, and her stitches come undone rather frequently. She enjoys messing around with her long, wavy red hair, and doesn't mind if other do as well. She has fairly normal grades, but tries her best. Kerry hates sharp items, as well as the thought of her gem heart being removed. She likes swimming, since she has miraculous buoyancy, and she loves to read. She hasn't given dating or any kind a romance much thought.

Sarah Lilianquist: Fairy
 Sarah Lilianquist is a sweet, young fairy. She appears 16, while she is actually 294. Sarah has long, soft, vibrant blue hair that match her eyes to a T. Like most of her kind, she is very bubbly and flirtatious. Her skin is rather pale, while being very smooth and porcelain-like. She has tall, narrow wings with beautiful blue markings carved into them. Surges of blue energy seem to pulse through them like veins. Sarah is about as tomboyish as a fairy can get, meaning,, she cares less about looks than most. She often uses blue lipstick to match her hair. She has a small crush on Alex, but tries to ignore it.

Vicki Dean: Mermaid

Alex Dean: Shifter

Friday, April 13, 2012


You've always felt... different, haven't you? Always alone at school, no friends, always the strange kid in school? That's because you are. Here, at our academy, we welcome all of you. This place is specially made for people like you. Mystical creatures, monsters, call them what you will. Please read the rules and fill out the form below.

1. No swearing. At all. None. Zip.
2. Please keep it PG. No sexual scenes.
3. Please do not tease, neglect, or do anythign rude to other rolepayers.
5. Password is glokenspiel.
6. Each post must be at least three sentances long. I will accept no less.
7. Please join as two people. (1 boy and 1 girl would be useful.)
8. Please be active.
9. Follow the rules. ☺

Race (Listed below):
Age (If needed, real age and appearance age):
Personality/Description (Must correlate with race):
Family/Crush/BF or GF:

Vampire: Vampires are, as you probably know, ancient creatures of legend and lore. They feed on the blood of human beings. Most Vampires are very smooth-talking and laid back, as if there isn't a worry on their mind. However, if they haven't fed for awhile, they become out of control. They are supplied with a portable box full of blood tablets to avoid them feeding from the other students.

Werewolves: Werewolves are also very ancient. They are people whom have the power to change into a wolf at night. They are rowdy, snappy, and very stubborn. In our academy, the werewolves can ONLY change at night. Although, since these werewolves are younger than most, they have trouble controlling when they are in form. They are supplied with chew toys to carry if they are about to lose control of their form.

Mermaids and Mermen: Mermaids are said to be beautiful maidens of the sea. They have long, fishy tails, with the upper body of a human. They can swim faster than any other creature, they can breathe under water, and they have the ability to speak with oceanic animals. However, out of water, they grow human legs as long as the keep as certain amount of water with them. They are fairly nice, but are huge show-off's and flirts. They tend to be unusually good-looking. They are supplied with enchanted water to keep with them, to make sure their tail stays morphed as legs until they need it to change.

Kahjit: Kahjit are literal cat-people. They aren't like neko's where they have just the ears and tail of a cat. No. These beings are almost completely cat, except for their mind and posture. They walk on two legs, and seemingly have the body build of a person, but they are covered in fur, with even the facial features of a cat. They are very smart, stealthy, and sophisticated. Each is supplied with a small container of catnip, which helps if they lose their cool.

Witches and Warlocks: These beings look like ordinary people on the outside. They live for the same amount of time as well. Witches and warlocks can perform many amounts of different magics and spells by using special hand gestures. Witches and Warlocks are restricted to use any powerful magic on school grounds, especially towards others.

Ragdolls: Ragdolls are newly discovered beings. Given their name, they are the normal weight and height of a human. However, their bodies consist of different hollow limbs sewn together. They do usually match, so they look fairly normal, but sometimes they can consists of various skin tones. The thread tends to come loose, and sometimes and arm or leg will fall off, but they can simple sew it back on. Their body is completely hollow, exempt for a tiny, jewel, raven-black heart that hovers around the middle of their stomach. They can live forever, unless the heart is removed from their bodies. They are usually fairly shy and independent. Each is supplied with a small sewing kit.

Fairies: Fairies are ancient, wood-dwelling creatures that love nature and animals. They can be a bit snobby, but are also very flirty. They are human sized, with pale skin and usually outrageously colored hair. Their lips always match the color of their hair as well. They have tall, delicate wings that are almost transparent. Some have designs in them. Each fairy if given a small flower to keep with them every day.

Angels: Angels are beings descended from heaven. Of course, the students here are only half angel. They possess powers mostly consisting with life and light. They have large, white feathery wings that usually grow to  a 6-foot wingspan. Angels are usually fairly good-looking, but are the goodie-goodie's of the school.

Demons: Demons are the complete opposite of their heavenly relatives. One of their parents was a demon from the underworld itself, and they inherited several traits. Demons have powers consisting of darkness, necromancy, etc. They have large, black feathery wings instead, which range to a 7 foot wingspan.Their looks can range absolutely anywhere, and they have a tendency to cause trouble.

Elves: Elves a tall, slender, quick creatures. They are usually defined by their animal-like gestures, and their pointy ears. Elves are very bonded with nature, like fairies. They are very skilled in archery, running, and other naturalistic things. They are given a set of wooden pipes to play when they feel disconnected with nature, but only if it doesn't disturb the class.

Shifters: These creatures are fairly close to werewolves. They too, can change into one particular animal, but they can anytime. The animal can range almost anywhere, except for a werewolf or wolf. When they shift, it drains energy very quickly, so they can only be in their animal for for a certain amount of time. They are given whatever helps to keeps their animal form at bay.